Sunday, September 1, 2019

Some of the new paintings and events 2019

showings etc. coming up! September 12th..opening of Jamestown artists at the Jamestown Town Hall..530-730.Open Studio at Mad Dog Studios in Pawtucket 630-830., also on sept. 12th..I will have paintings at both events.. Figure drawing class starts up again on weds. nights,630-900. at Mad Dog, starting sept 11th. The painting workshop which I teach starts up on Saturday mornings on Sept. 28th.. 4 sessions are $80.00, with 6 people max. in the class.The big Artist Open Studios of North Western R.I. takes place on November 2nd...go to for information and map..If you have questions about anything call me..401-241-7725 or write Thanks!

Main Street Wickford

Main Street Wickford
a/c 6"x8"

Gardners Wharf,Wickford

Gardners Wharf,Wickford
24"x30" oil on canvas

City Hall

City Hall
a/c 14"x18"

Point Judith Light

Point Judith Light
oil on canvas,18"x24"

Waterplace Park

Waterplace Park